Saturday, March 17, 2012


Srirangam is 5 hours by bus from Chennai. Bus tickets range from Rs 150 to Rs 280 depending on how comfortable the seats are.

Buses are plenty. Near Trichy bus stand, there are many good hotels, you can stay in one, check out the rates. Some of them are expensive.

Food is cheap and good. People in and around Trichy are friendly.

You can get a cheap public bus to Srirangam.

There is a whiff of magic about Srirangam. Srirangam temple inspires extreme devotion among Hindus, especially Vaisinavites.

History of Srirangam is awe-inspiring. There is more history in Srirangam than there is to many small countries.

The Srirangam temple is clean, crowded and full of towers.

Sculptures are amazing.

People friendly.

May Lord Ranganatha bless us all.

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